2 Papers at CHI 2019

Update: Michael also contributed to an article summarizing some key papers at CHI 2019, which appeared in IEEE Pervasive and can be found here.
We are happy to announce that we have two papers accepted at CHI 2019 featuring our work on 360proto, a new AR/VR physical-digital prototyping tool which allows designers to make both AR and VR prototypes from paper and bring them to live on common AR/VR devices, and a critical reflection piece on the question of What is Mixed Reality?, written up as a paper that is part scientific literature review, part analysis of state of the art in industry, and part interviews with leading experts on AR/VR in both academia and industry.
- M. Nebeling, K. Madier: 360proto: Making Interactive Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Prototypes from Paper
- M. Speicher, B.D. Hall, M. Nebeling: What is Mixed Reality? Best Paper Honorable Mention
We also announced earlier that we will offer an AR/VR prototyping course at CHI this year! The idea to teach this course really grew out of our success teaching AR/VR interaction design to a diverse student body in Fall 2018. We have since started teaching a more advanced and technical version this semester.
The CHI 2019 course will be an exciting opportunity for new and old AR/VR researchers, designers, and students to come together and learn about our rapid prototyping techniques in a hands-on manner. Should be fun!
See you at CHI 2019 in Glasgow, Scotland, UK this year!