First Semester Done

Photo from our last hackathon in December, showing a number of students involved in the lab, picture taken with Kinect Photo
Fall 2016 was our first semester at UMSI, and a number of things happened:
- set up our new lab space
- purchased an initial set of wearable, mobile, and stationary devices: five 4K displays, a number of smartwatches, mobile phones, Kinects, portable projector, Surface Book and Surface Studio (pre-order)
- got our lab’s logo designed
- primarily worked on interfaces to support our lab activities, but also initial research
Our projects included:
- lab backend and platform that manages devices and users in the lab
- lab dashboard, an ambient interface pulling together information on all kinds of lab activities
- Slack and Trello integrations
- Alexa voice interfaces for the lab
- Kinect gesture, voice and multimodal interfaces for the lab based on Kinect Analysis
- sketching and note-taking interfaces
- continued our research on the XDBrowser project:
- support for semi-automatic distribution (upcoming CHI’17 paper)
- round smartwatch interface
- projector-based interface
- in-car interface
Other activities included:
- presented research overview at MISC seminar
- taught SI 482 Interaction Design Studio
- organized weekly hackathons for interested students
- held cross-device tutorial at the International Conference on Surfaces and Space (ISS’16)