Previous Research
Here is our Mi2 Lab Summer 2018 Showreel:
Below are examples from our earlier research:
- XD-AR (EICS’18 paper) an augmented reality platform that we are developing for multi-user multi-device augmented reality experiences that allow users to “edit” the physical world in realtime
- 3D Virtual/Physical Lab: virtual and physical 3D models of our lab environment that we are using to design new forms of natural user interfaces and cross-device interactions for both users in the lab and users participating remotely
- Surface Pad: initially conceived as a sketching interface that can work with new kinds of input devices, we are currently exploring how the interface can be extended to easily import and blend content from the digital and physical worlds. Surface Pad formed the basis of the aforementioned ProtoAR.
During his postdoc at Carnegie Mellon University, the lab’s PI Michael Nebeling investigated ways of orchestrating multiple devices and crowds to enable complex information seeking, sensemaking and productivity tasks on small mobile and wearable devices. He also contributed to the Google IoT project led by CMU. This work led to three papers at ACM CHI 2016:
- XDBrowser: a new cross-device web browser that I used to elicit 144 multi-device web page designs for five popular web interfaces leading to seven cross-device web page design patterns (CHI’16 paper, CHI’16 talk) and semi-automatic cross-device interface generation techniques (CHI’17 paper, CHI’17 talk)
- WearWrite: a wearable interface enabling smartwatch users to orchestrate crowd workers on more powerful devices to complete writing tasks on their behalf (CHI’16 paper, CHI’16 talk, UIST’15 demo, tech report on arXiv)
- Snap-To-It: a mobile app allowing users to opportunistically interact with appliances in multi-device environments simply by taking a picture of them (CHI’16 paper)